A.Hotchkiss Online Classes

Preparing for the Present by Studying the Past

What is the best way to equip ourselves for the present day? By learning from the successes, failures, and challenges of our nation’s past. 

About Us

Discovering Christ's Order in All Things

Hi, my name is April. I am a wife and a mother of three children whom I have homeschooled for fifteen years. I have always loved learning alongside my kids!

Theology, sailing, government, and economics are some of my favorite areas we’ve grown in, and I’ve seen how theology and sailing have actually helped me gain a deeper understanding of government and economics!

Our Curriculum

Available Courses



This American government course was designed from the lens of conservative founding principles, with hearty acknowledgment of our country’s Judeo-Christian roots. It contains suitable material for 1/2 credit with honors for your high school transcript.
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This economics course was designed from the lens of traditional free-market, limited government principles, with hearty acknowledgment of our country’s Judeo-Christian roots. It contains suitable material for 1/2 credit with honors for your high school transcript.
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Why Choose April

Three Principles of Our Curriculum

Developing a biblical framework for thinking, analyzing, and acting is paramount as we seek to be effective instruments for Christ.


Careful Study

Study Government and Economics at the foundational level from a biblical worldview.


Critical Thought

Develop strong, clear, and critical yet careful thinkers who will be more confident to engage with important issues students are faced with today.


Effective Application

Give students a broad scope by learning from history and yet sow the much needed seeds today that will help to create vision for their generation and equip them to build a more holistic society.

Contact Us


Do you have questions about the curriculum, scheduling, or how this coursework can be integrated with your current curriculum? We would love to speak with you.